Shifu Richard Luo

罗荣富博士,原上海交通大学副教授,美国德州奥斯汀大学工程学博士后,加拿大航空业高级工程师,高级经理。资深国际武术/散 打裁判,自1995年在美国德州及加拿大大多地区向华洋弟子传授中华武术。自幼学习少林及峨眉武功并入选四川省 武术队接受系统训练,师从多位名师学习少林六合门,峨眉盘破门, 八极拳, 形意拳,八卦掌,太极拳,中国式摔跤 及传统兵器,曾获多项国际和国家级武术/摔跤/散打比赛奖牌。将中国传统文化,价值观融入武德,武技,武理的 系统传授,培养学生“仁,义,礼,智,信,勇”之健康人格,达到自信,自尊,自强;修身,健身,防身之目的。2015年荣获“新枫彩”奖。

Dr. Richard Luo: PhD, Senior Aerospace Engineer, Senior Manager

Shifu Richard began his Wushu Kungfu training at the age of 6 in the disciplines of O-Mei and Shao-Lin. At age 13, he was selected for the Sichuan Provincial Junior Wushu Team and trained under the government officiated comprehensive programming of the Chinese Wushu Association. He furthered his studies under renowned professors from Shanghai Sports University in Xing-Yi, Qi-Gong, Sanshou, Chinese Medicine, and Chinese Wrestling. He combines traditional Chinese culture and values with martial arts training ethics, skills, and theories.