國粹武術聯盟是一個以中國專業武術人士和武術愛好者爲主體的, 無政治宗教背景的非營利機構,本著 “弘揚中華文化,練功保健養生,團結友愛互助,推廣尚武精神” 的宗旨,將中國傳統文化,價值觀融入武德,武技,武理的系統傳授,培養“仁,義,禮, 智,信,勇”之健康人格,達到自信,自尊,自強; 修身,健身,防身之目的。
National Arts of Wushu Alliance is a non-for-profit organization which consists of Professionals and Passionists of Chinese Wushu Kungfu. Without any political or religious backgrounds, the goal of this organization is: “Celebrating Chinese culture, Actualizing fitness and wellness, Honoring values of respect and discipline, Inspiriting warrior resilience”. Thru systematic training we combine traditional Chinese culture and values with martial arts training ethics, skills, and theories, in order to cultivate characters of “Love, Righteousness, Respect, Wisdom, Trustworthiness, Courage”.
Affiliated with 加拿大人基愛武術中心 Christian Wushu Fellowship